43rd WWRF Meeting

Intelligent Applications for a 5G Connected World

WWRF’s goal is to encourage research that will achieve unbounded communications to address key societal challenges for the future. We are using the term “Wireless World” in this broad sense to address:

  • the support of innovation and business,
  • social inclusion
  • infrastructural challenges

This will be achieved by creating a range of new technological capabilities from wide-area networks to short-range communications, machine-to-machine communications, sensor networks, wireless broadband access technologies and optical networking, along with increasing intelligence and virtualization in networks. This will support a dependable future Internet of people, knowledge and things and the development of a service universe.
The 43rd WWRF Meeting Theme: Intelligent Applications for a 5G Connected World
It is well recognized that the need for fast access to information and data forms an integral part of life in the present day “digital world”. The availability of “fast, uniform, reliable and cost effective” connectivity anywhere, anytime for (human) users on the move is essential for enabling the ultimate user experience. Applications around Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications and Internet of Things (IoT) would further enhance the user experience and transform industries and organizations. With the time frame of deployment of 5G just around the corner in 2020, it is about time to seriously look into intelligent applications for 5G.