Business Model Innovation Labs

The 6-sided CGC Business Model Innovation Lab™

The hexagonal Business Model Innovation Lab symbolizes a business model. A business model has 6 dimensions: Value, Users and customers, Competences, Network partners, Value chain functions, Value form, plus a seventh dimension which is the relationships – placed in the middle because the relationships hold it all together and ensure that things happen.

The CGC Business Model Innovation Lab™ is suitable for 6 people, but you can easily accommodate a few more when necessary.

The Lab requires 5 x 5 meters and a ceiling height of 3 meters.

In the CGC Business Model Innovation Lab™ space is created for reflection, conversation and collaboration. Here you can develop your business, and all tools are within easy reach.

For example, the BeeBoard™ is integrated into the wall, a smart TV supports your online search, and you can write on the walls and table. The table also shows the BeeStar™ – the structure of the business model and helps you to maintain and understand the dimensions of the business model.