Mission - Vision - Objectives


To impact the society-at-large
The target mission of CGC is to impact the society-at-large by conducting Cross-/Inter-disciplinary cutting-edge research, building and demonstrating functional systems, and spinning-out the resulting Multi business model innovations and business successes.

To develop research activities at international level
The mission of CGC is to facilitate global inter-disciplinary research, industry development and educational activities through Cross-/Inter-disciplinary scientific projects. CGC association is to develop research activities, at national and international level, with a specialist and inter-disciplinary approach. These all require sophisticated guidelines, forward-looking knowledge and translation into novel business models and future technologies through latest technologies, deep involvement of all stakeholders, i.e. users, businesses, universities, governments etc.
There may be large research establishments engaged in research activities in diversified fields, but there is no professional body exclusively dedicated to ICT and related studies, which bridge the various novel technology components to Business Model Dimensions together to be meaningful from both a business and a technology perspective. For the accomplishment of these tasks, CGC will attract and invite to collaborate jointly for achieving the targeted mission, academicians, researchers, experts from industries and governments across the globe.


CGC objectives are:
  • to be at the forefront of Cross-/Interdisciplinary innovative research functioning as an autonomous organization
  • to play a key role in shaping the future society by joining knowledge collaboration, research and education under a common framework
  • to reach 50 CGC Divisions worldwide in 2025
CGC envisions working as an non-profit association that deliver technology and business model innovations for the social needs and meet the new global challenges brought about by wireless communications, ICT, Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning, crowd and cloud computing, virtualization, and Quantum Computing (QC) involving humans as a critical computing and interpreting node in a distributed computing architecture, pushing the concept of Internet of things (IoT) towards a vision of Internet of Beings (IoB).


CGC has a vision of becoming a world leader in wireless communication, the Multi Business Model and Technology Innovation era, addressing 12 strategic thematic areas.

CGC will play a key role in serving communication on CGC thematic areas and requirements of the global society related to the CGC thematic areas.

Through its competences and capacity, CGC will carry out the required research requirements and exploit a cross-/interdisciplinary approach to its members. The in-house capacity of CGC divisions will support the entire process: from the inception of a technology and multi business model idea all the way to commercialisation and the technology and business model. CGC will foster young graduates, industry employees and networks to develop on entrepreneurial and inter/-intrapreneurial frame of mind and mind-set.

CGC’s Global Operations in Six Continents by 2020

The vison of having 50 CGC Divisions in 2025

The Blue Cubes are MoU signed, The Green Cubes are present Divisions and the Red Cubes are the future divisions. By the end of 2020, CGC expect to be on all six continents illustrated by red cubes in this figure.

Persuasive Business Models

In the next decade, aspects such as persuasive technology and persuasive business models will be supporting (and interfering in) our daily lives, business and society much more than is currently the case. Artificial Intelligence (AI), deep learning interacting with multi business model patterns analysis and multi business model library within high speed will take decisions on business model value offerings to humans and things.

The vision is the creation of guidelines for a syllabus on education about standardisation, persuasive technology, cybersecurity, AI, language and digitalisation of business models, and so on. Through this activity, CGC brings together other academic institutions, research centres and laboratories; international, regional and national standards development organisations (SDOs) and other interested regional bodies, government representatives, private-sector players and individuals.

In order to take full advantage of all the opportunities, CGC will be focused for the next decade on developing its global platform to a more substantial and conductive foundation. CGC will bring together a strategic network of inter-disciplinary-minded academic and business interests together with the aim of focusing on steady research, business momentum, economic and knowledge growth.