CGC Membership

CGC have 6 types of membership:
Division Membership
5.000 EUR per annum
For organizations that want to be a member
Institutional & SME Membership
3.000 EUR per annum
Membership fee for Institutions & SMEs
Associate Membership
2.500 EUR per annum
Associate Membership Fee
School Membership
1.000 EUR per annum
CGC School Membership fee
Individual Fellow Membership
250 EUR per annum
Membership fee for individual fellows
Start-Up Membership
100 EUR per annum
Membership fee for Start-Ups

Members have the right to withdraw from membership by notification written before the start of a new calendar year. The membership to CGC network is the key to enabling competence, encompass both academic, public and business organizations into a knowledge collaboration framework to jointly create competence as shown in the figure.

Every organization will be entitled to be a member of the CGC, if the institution provides a fixed number of researchers, with a relevant percentage of their work and time spent under the supervision of CGC jointly with the local CGC divisions. CGC network partner may join to be a board member if the institution provides the right supplement.