WWRF46: Wireless World Research Forum Meeting 46

From Connecting Things to Connected Intelligence

The Wireless World Research Forum plans to contribute towards the development of a smart mobile communication eco-system beyond 5G. The widespread introduction of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is foreseen to provide a strong impetus towards improved network performance and cost-efficiency for current and even more for next generation mobile systems. Beyond 5G, services and networks will be managed more autonomously and are expected to offer increased flexibility and adaptability everywhere. Networks and applications need to become more intelligent, self-learning and context dependent. AI’s potential impact on consumer, society and industry-relevant aspects for end-to-end communication systems and uses cases will be tremendous. Future Cognitive Communication Systems are envisioned to be continuously learning, self-optimizing and capable of transitioning from just connecting humans and things – to connecting, sensing and actuating on everything – intelligently and in a purpose driven manner.

Important Dates
Submission of extended abstracts: 1 October 2021 to: contributions@wireless-world-research.org
Notification of acceptance: 15 October 2021
Final papers: 15 November 2021
Event 1-3 December 2021