
1st Training School and Research Colloquium on Next Generation Communications

We are happy to share that the 1st Training School and Research Colloquium on Next Generation Communications (#NextGCom) will take place in Litochoro, Greece on August 28-30, 2024.
The program includes presentations and lectures by renowned experts on #nextgeneration #communications: Ana Garcia Armada, Konstantinos Karachalios, Xueli An, Dejan Vukobratovic, Rui Luís Aguiar, Gunes Karabulut Kurt, Aryan Kaushik, Azmat H., Josef Vidstrom, and Spyridon Louvros.
Full program available here:
The event is organized by one6G, the IEEE Communication Greece Chapter, and the International Hellenic University, and endorsed by several IEEE organizations, including IEEE Communication Society (#ComSoc) Young Professionals, IEEE Future Networks Initiative, IEEE ComSoc Technical Committee in Information Infrastructure & Networking (TCIIN), and the IEEE Student Branch at the International Hellenic University in Thessaloniki.
A total of 10 grants by IEEE ComSoc Greece chapter and IEEE ComSoc YP are available for the registered participants!
Don’t miss the opportunity and register by July 22 to benefit from the early bird registrations fees: