Danish Industry Challenge at WPMC 2024

Danish Industry Challenge at WPMC 2024

CTIF Global Capsule organized a Tutorial and Danish Industry Challenge at WPMC 2024 at Sharda University from 17-20 November 2024. The event was conducted by CGC Vice President Peter Lindgren and CGC-IDL Director Dr. Purnima Lala Mehta

The event began on November 17th with a tutorial delivered by Prof. Peter Lindgren, focusing on three Business Model Innovation tools: thebeestar, thebeeboard, and thebeeBMIboard. On the morning of November 18th, participants were presented with a real Danish Industry Challenge from Salling Autogenbrug. Over the next three days, the teams applied the BMI tools they had learned to develop sustainable, green, and profitable solutions.

The teams developed a range of impressive solutions that received praise from the trainer as well as expert visitors from research, academia, and industry. The event concluded on November 20th with a business pitch competition in front of a panel of three international judges. The first prize was awarded to the team from Sharda University, which included a complimentary three-week course in Denmark during the next Summer School.