CTIF Global Capsule Centre for Innovation, Development and Learning (CGC-IDL)

About CGC Centre for Innovation, Development and Learning

CGC brings the CTIF Global Capsule Centre for Innovation, Development, and Learning (CGC-IDL) to offer some great opportunities worldwide with the following objectives:

  • To be at the forefront of innovative research, learning, and training and to play a key role in career-shaping by combining knowledge collaboration, research, and education under a common framework.
  • To develop innovative, futuristic programs that provide learning and training to students, faculty, and professionals, significantly enhance the education system, and contribute to the economy.
  • To bring collaboration opportunities for Schools, Universities, Start-ups and Industry.
For more information, have a look at our BROCHURE.
Dr. Purnima Lala Mehta
CTIF Global Capsule
Centre for Innovation, Development and Learning (CGC-IDL)
Delhi-NCR, India
Email: purnima.lala.mehta@ctifglobalcapsule.org