Academic and Cultural Exchange Program (ACEP)

CGC-IDL offers Academic and Cultural Exchange Program (ACEP) in the following themes:

Multi Business Model Innovation

School Name: CGC MBMI Fall School – 3 weeks
Dates: 7 October 2024 – 25 October 2024
Venue: Struer Business Park, Struer, Denmark

Eligibility: 11th & 12th school students (any background), bachelor and masters students (any background)
Fall School Fee: 432 EUR

For more information on detailed content, timeline & guidelines, please see here


School Name: CGC HBC Fall School – 1 week
Dates: 23 September 2024 – 27 September 2024
Venue: Skagen Education Centre (SUC), Skagen, Denmark

Eligibility: Bachelors, Masters, PhD and PostDocs from any background
Course Fee: 2500 EUR

For more information on detailed content, timeline & guidelines, please see here

To be Announced
To be Announced