7th 5G Huddle by WWRF

5G as a Catalyst for Digital Transformation

The 5G Huddle is hosted annually by the Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF). Since its inception in 2014, it has brought key 5G stakeholders together in various locations across the globe including the United Kingdom, Europe, Canada, South Africa – and soon to include Japan – with each edition addressing the next step of the 5G ‘journey’. Discussions around ‘What is 5G?’; the development of the 5G ecosystem and infrastructure; making the 5G vision a reality; the transition from 4G to 5G; and how to deliver ‘5G For All’ have all pathed the way to this year’s focus on whether 5G can now deliver on its promises.
In a recent study of industrial and telecom company executives from around the world, when asked which technologies will be the most integral to their digital transformation over the next five years, 75% of respondents answered 5G.
As the 5G journey around the world continues, this year’s 5G Huddle will look at the progress that has been made, and more importantly the challenges that remain in order for the long-term benefits of this truly transformational technology to be felt across all areas of society.

Registration is now open.
To ensure a high level of interaction at this event and to maximise the opportunities for a genuine exchange between the participants, the number of delegate passes available has been strictly limited.
To register your interest in the 5G Huddle 2020, please click here



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