The 6G Hybrid Workshop

Defining the future of CGC 6G Research

Defining the future of CGC 6G Research
October 12, 2021 09:00-16:00 CET

Place: Innovatorium, room 209, Birk Centerpark 40, Herning, Denmark

Join 6G Workshop Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 624 0448 3007

Speakers: See Bios in the full program

  • Welcome and Introduction to CGC 6G Research
    Ramjee Prasad, President CTIF Global Capsule, CGC Denmark
    See the presentation slides
  • Enabling Technologies for Next Generation Telepresence Systems
    Albena Mihovska, CGC Denmark
    See the presentation slides
  • Quantum Physics applied for engineering the future architecture of the 6G Networks
    Paulo Sergio Rufino Henrique, CGC France (Spideo)
    See the presentation slides
  • 6G: A Gateway to the Pervasive Intelligence Applications
    Ambuj Kumar, CGC Denmark
  • 6G – The Last Generation
    Martijn Kuipers, CGC Portugal
    See the presentation slides
  • 6G a Key Enabler for Large-scale Drone Services- Opportunities and Challenges
    Muhammad Bilal, CGC Denmark
  • Why 6G? Impact on our life and beyond
    Neeli Rashami Prasad, CGC USA


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